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'c525a 리눅스 드라이버'에 해당되는 글 1건

  1. 우분투 리눅스에 DocuPrint C525A 드라이버 설치하는 방법 1

우분투 리눅스에 DocuPrint C525A 드라이버 설치하는 방법

Computer Science/리눅스
예전에는 리눅스의 드라이버 부족과 설치의 어려움때문에 시도조차 하지 않았던 부분인데 이제는 많이 편해지고 자료도 많아진것에 감사할 따름이다.

귀찮은 분들을 위해서 핵심 내용만 발취

Apologies to the above 2 gentleman, but completeness is godliness. 

I'm running on a P3 Dell, 312 MB Ram, Ubuntu 7.04 Feisty. I'm setting up Fuji Xerox C525A on a network, not USB, not parallel.

Download Fuji Xerox C525A driver from www.fxprinters.com, choose Singapore -> select Fuji Xerox C525A -> Linux.

Most likely its downloaded to your Desktop and its called dpc525a_linux_.0.0.tar.zip, and double click to unzip and untar.

In the terminal,
cd ~/Desktop/C525A_LinuxE/
and then
sudo alien Fuji_Xerox-DocuPrint_C525_A_AP-1.0-1.i386.rpm
, which will covert into fuji-xerox-docuprint-c525-a-ap_1.0-2_i386.deb .
If you do not have alien,
sudo apt-get install alien
This is followed by
sudo dpkg -i fuji-xerox-docuprint-c525-a-ap_1.0-2_i386.deb
Do a 
sudo mkdir /usr/share/ppd/cups-included/FX/
sudo cp -p /usr/share/cups/model/FujiXerox/en/FX_DocuPrint_C525_A_AP.ppd /usr/share/ppd/cups-included/FX/.
*thanks to grantbuntu (msg below mine), be careful when you copy and paste, there's a space formed that cause "_C5 25_", it should be "_C525_", I'm clueless on how to rectify this. Can someone show me?

Add Printer using the System -> Administration -> Printing - > Add Printer -> 
Use a detected printer: FUJI XEROX DocuPrint C525 A-AP (FUJI XEROX DocuPrint C525 A-AP XXX.XXX.XXX.XXX) !If you can't see this, most likely you have not set your IP for your printer, please refer to printer instruction manual for this.
-> Forward -> Manufacturer: FX Model: DocuPrint C525 A-AP v1.0.
This is wrong, might work, but it took me 15 minutes to print a 1 page document. Thanks to C525A_Linux_manE.pdf in the dpc525a_linux_.0.0.tar.zip , this is how its suppose to be done. If a dialog window asks you for your user name and password, give them the login username and password. 